Bridgewater Faculty, Administrators, and Staff Book Chapters | Faculty, Administrator & Staff Publications and Creative Works | Bridgewater State University


Submissions from 2005

Accepting diverse practices, Jeanne Aurelio and M. Novak

Substance abuse, Victoria L. Bacon, B. Lerner, D. Trembley, and M. Seestedt

Breaking the last taboo, Evelyn Pezzulich

Superhero revisionism in Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns, Aeon J. Skoble

The Structure of Atkins’ new Diet Revolution: Proposing a Paradigm Shift in Fighting Obesity, Catherine A. Womack

Submissions from 2004

Moral and Cultural Reasoning of IPO Accountants, Patricia Bancroft

Job losses with a rising GDP: An unsustainable mix for the US economy, Jon L. Bryan

Nymphaeaceae, Donald J. Padgett and D. H. Les

Integrity in Woody Allen's Manhattan, Aeon J. Skoble

Submissions from 2003

Shifting paradigms: The reemergence of literary texts in composition classrooms, Evelyn Pezzulich

Submissions from 2002

Common and uncommon threads: A values clarification exercise, Jeanne Aurelio

‘Something to Admire’: Cultural Nationalism, Symbolic Dissonance, and the Fourth of July in New England’s Canadian Borderlands, 1840-1870, Andrew C. Holman

Submissions from 2001

Corporations and Native Americans in rural America: Who wins?, Sandra Faiman-Silva

F. Holland Day: Beauty is Youth, Patricia J. Fanning

Irish American care of the aged, Patricia J. Fanning

What a difference a century makes: Images of the frontier in Amazonia and the American West, James Hayes-Bohanan

Public relations practice and critical theory: Preparation of the gardener as woman, Thomas Mickey

Nuphar, Donald Padgett and D. Fu

Baiting the dragon: The lingering Cold War with China, Nancy Street

Submissions from 2000

Epidemics, Influenza, and the Irish: Norwood, Massachusetts, in 1918, Patricia J. Fanning

Instructor's resource guide and testing program, Patricia J. Fanning

‘Cultivation’ and the Middle-Class Self: Manners and Morals in Victorian Ontario, Andrew C. Holman

Submissions from 1999

Introduction and women's human rights and cultural relativism: Cross-disciplinary contrubutions to anthropology, Diana Fox

Cascading interdependence, democratization and ethnic conflict management in Africa, Shaheen Mozaffar

Within easy reach: Using a shelf-based curriculum to increase the range of mathematical concepts accessible to young children, Gregory Nelson

The creation of an American myth: The assassination of Abraham Lincoln, Thomas R. Turner

Submissions from 1998

To feel my own knowing in motion: Harmonizing the mind, body, and emotions, Victoria L. Bacon, B. L. Fenby, and A. M. Lawrence

Endocrine control of trophoblast-uterine interactions and the peri-implantation process, R. C. Burghardt, Jeffery Bowen, and F. W. Bazer

Electoral systems and conflict management in Africa: a twenty-eight state comparison, Shaheen Mozaffar

Submissions from 1997

Practice and significance of fasting in Russian peasant culture at the turn of the century, Leonid Heretz

Psychology of the White Movement, Leonid Heretz

Constitutional designs, electoral systems and democracy in multiethnic socities: Comparative lessons from Africa, Western Europe and the Caribbean, Shaheen Mozaffar

Submissions from 1996

Europe is free--who needs 'Free Europe'? Federalizing surrogate radio, Nancy Street and J. M. Marilyn

Submissions from 1995

Women in athletic training, S. Booth and Marcia K. Anderson

Tauromachy as a spectacle of gender revision in matador, Leora Lev

The institutional logic of ethnic politics: a prolegomenon, Shaheen Mozaffar

Submissions from 1992

Going Astray: Weakness, Perversity, or Evil?, Edward W. James

Submissions from 1983

Rights, Privacy, and Tainted Ideals, Edward W. James

Submissions from 1982

On Dismissing Astrology and Other Irrationalities, Edward W. James

Submissions from 1981

An aspect of group theory in residue designs, Thomas Moore