Bridgewater Faculty, Administrators, and Staff Book Chapters | Faculty, Administrator & Staff Publications and Creative Works | Bridgewater State University


Submissions from 2015


Sports Nutrition: Supplements/Performance-Enhancing Drugs, Kathleen M. Laquale


Is Work-family Conflict a Multilevel Stressor Linking Job Conditions to Mental Health? Evidence from the Work, Family and Health Network, Phyllis Moen, Anne Kaduk, Ellen Ernst Kossek, Leslie Hammer, Orfeu M. Buxton, Emily O’Donnell, David Almeida, Kimberly Fox, Eric Tranby, J. Michael Oakes, and Lynne Casper

Environmental Criminology and Sexual Violence Prevention, Khadija Monk

Developing a Dialogue: Constructivist Convergence in Psychotherapy and Beyond, Robert A. Neimeyer, Donald Meichenbaum, and Caroline M. Stanley

Conflict and In/Security in Global Life, Sandra Popiden

The Criminalization of Adolescent Sexuality, Kallee Spooner and Richard G. Wright


Beyond Horror: Surviving Sexual Abuse in Carmel Winters’ Snap, Kathleen Vejvoda


Values, Behaviors, and Economic Outcomes: Sustainability in the Teaching of Economics, Madhavi Venkatesan


Long-Term Research in the Luquillo Mountains: Synthesis and Foundations for the Future, Michael R. Willig, Christopher P. Bloch, Alan P. Covich, Charles A.S. Hall, D. Jean Lodge, Ariel E. Lugo, Whendee L. Silver, Robert B. Waide, Lawrence R. Walker, and Jess K. Zimmerman

Internet Sex Offending and the Online Sting, Richard Wright

An Interview with Patty Wetterling, Richard G. Wright

Submissions from 2014

Nyaya’s Self as Agent and Knower, Matthew Dasti

Collective Apologies and Reconstituting Citizenship, Jason A. Edwards

Resettling America's Role in the World: President Obama's Rhetoric of (Re)Conciliation and Partnership, Jason A. Edwards

Culture and Consciousness: An Undergraduate Seminar Incorporating Dreamwork, Curtiss Hoffman

Wings over Numenor: Lucid Dreaming in the Writings of J.R.R. Tolkien, Curtiss Hoffman

Les Russes et Nous: The 1972 Summit Series and the Birth of Hockey Sovereignty in Quebec, Andrew C. Holman

The Role of Friendships in the Lives of Gay Men, Adolescents, and Boys, Michael Kocet

Assessment and Treatment of the Medical Needs of Gay Men, Adolescents, and Boys, James E. Leone, Elizabeth M. Mullin, and Shan Mohammed


Quadruply Metal-Metal Bonded Complexes of Rhenium(III), Andrew W. Maverick, Robert P. Hammer, John A. Arnold, Richard A. Walton, Alfred P. Sattelberger, Lindsay T. McDonald, Sarah M. Lane, and Steven C. Haefner

U.S. Scientists and the Cold War, Paul Rubinson

"Do You See?" Reflecting on Evil in Manhunter, Aeon Skoble

"Death by Taxes": A Postmortem on Romney's Tax-Return Apologia, Joseph M. Valenzano III and Jason A. Edwards

Exceptionally Distinctive: President Obama’s Complicated Articulation of American Exceptionalism, Joseph M. Valenzano III and Jason A. Edwards

Submissions from 2013

Psychosocial Intervention and Patient Care, Victoria L. Bacon

An Attempt to Heal Rifts in Medicine: Collective Apology and the American Medical Association’s Attempts at Reconciliation with the African-American Community, Benjamin R. Bates and Jason A. Edwards


Gender Stereotype Threat Among Women and Girls, Diane E. Betz, Laura R. Ramsey, and Denise Sekaquaptewa


Interactive Applets in Calculus and Engineering Courses, Heidi Burgiel, Chad Lieberman, Haynes Miller, and Karen Wilcox

History of School Counselors' Role in Career Development, Theresa A. Coogan

Best Practices: School Counselors Implementing Career Development Programs, Theresa A. Coogan, D. Neary, and C. Evans

Guiding Principles for Supporting Faculty as Writers at a Teaching-mission Institution, Michelle Cox and Ann Brunjes


Hydrothermal Fluid Composition at Middle Valley, Northern Juan de Fuca Ridge: Temporal and Spatial Variability, Anna M. Cruse, Jeffrey S. Seewald, Peter J. Saccocia, and Robert Zierenberg


Radicalism in the Age of Jackson, Joshua R. Greenberg

The Emerging China-Brazil-U.S. Triangle in Business and Politics, Martin Grossman and Chien Wen Yu

The Development of Tactical Decision-Making Competence, Mary Henninger and Karen Richardson

Middle East Meets West: A Cross-National Examination of Body Image and Health Behaviors in Jordan and the United States, Teresa King, Brendan J. Morse, Heidi Woofenden, Molly Copithorne, Bonnie Dunigan, and Zeely Sylvia


Our Rapists, Ourselves: Women and the Staging of Rape in the Cinema of Pedro Almodóvar, Leora Lev

Modification by Adaptation: Proposing Another Pedagogical Principle for TGfU, Karen Pagnano Richardson, Deborah Sheehy, and Tim Hopper

Lyndon B. Johnson, Paul Rubinson

Cosmo-Transcendental Positioning of the Living Being in the Universe in Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka's New Enlightenment, Jadwiga S. Smith

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007): The Epic Fall of the American Indian, Nancy L. Street


The Daily Show Way: Critical Thinking, Civic Discourse, and Postmodern Consciousness, Roben Torosyan

Population, Community, and Metacommunity Dynamics of Terrestrial Gastropods in the Luquillo Mountains: a Gradient Perspective, Michael R. Willig, Steven J. Presley, Christopher P. Bloch, and Javier Alvarez

Submissions from 2012

Psychologic Factors in Rehabilitation, Victoria L. Bacon

A Single Soul Inhabiting Two Bodies, Shai Biderman and William J. Devlin

The Literacy Coach: Preparation, Practice and Reflection, Elaine Bukowiecki

Using Varied Nonfiction Sources and Different Literacy Strategies for Content-Area Learning, Elaine Bukowiecki

How the Internet is Giving Birth (to) a New Social Order, Jodi H. Cohen and Jennifer M. Raymond

Asian Philosophy, Matthew R. Dasti


Organizational Strategies for Fostering Faculty Racial Inclusion, Dannielle Joy Davis, Edward J. Brantmeier, Roben Torosyan, and Hyacinth E. Findlay