"Exceptionally Distinctive: President Obama’s Complicated Articulation " by Joseph M. Valenzano III and Jason A. Edwards


Exceptionally Distinctive: President Obama’s Complicated Articulation of American Exceptionalism

Publication Date


Document Type

Book Chapter


We argue that President Obama offers different articulations of American exceptionalism depending on the audience he is speaking too. These different articulations offer both opportunity and challenges for Obama as he attempts to speak to multiple constituencies on describing and aligning America's role in the world.

Original Citation

Valenzano III, J.M. & Edwards, J.A. (2013). Exceptionally Distinctive: President Obama’s Complicated Articulation of American Exceptionalism. In A.A. Barreto & R.L. O’Bryant (Eds.), American Identity in the Age of Obama (pp. 175-197). New York: Routledge.

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