"Learning With Avatars: Exploring Mixed Reality Simulations for Next-Ge" by Kristin M. Murphy, Jon Cash et al.


Learning With Avatars: Exploring Mixed Reality Simulations for Next-Generation Teaching and Learning

Publication Date


Document Type

Book Chapter


Similar to flight simulators used to train airline pilots prior to flying an actual airplane, mixed-reality simulations allow students to practice behaviors expected in their future career. In this chapter, we present mixed reality simulations as a tool for next generation teaching and learning in college classrooms based on a review of the research and our own practice using mixed reality simulations in teacher preparation courses. First, we will define mixed reality simulations and present a review of the literature. Next, we will engage in a discussion of the ways in which we have utilized mixed reality simulations in in our college-level instruction for students preparing to become teachers. Then, we will discuss potential opportunities and applications for mixed reality simulations in coursework beyond teacher education. Finally, we will discuss challenges and implications for future implementation of mixed reality simulations in coursework for next generation teaching and learning.

Original Citation

Murphy, K.M., Cash, J., & Jackson Kellinger, J. (2017). Learning With Avatars: Exploring Mixed Reality Simulations for Next-Generation Teaching and Learning. In J.S. Keengwe (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Pedagogical Models for Next-Generation Teaching and Learning (pp. 1-20). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-3873-8.ch001
