Faculty scholarship from the Political Science Department | Political Science Department | Bridgewater State University


Submissions from 2018

The Courage to Recover Student-Centered Learning: Plato’s Laches, Jordan Barkalow

Push and Pull by Japan for Regional Environmental Cooperation: Transboundary Air Pollution in East Asia, Inkyoung Kim


Burying the Hatchet? Elite Influence and White Opinion on the Washington Redskins Controversy, Tatishe M. Nteta, Elizabeth A. Sharrow, and Melinda R. Tarsi


Stay or Go? Turnover in CMO, EMO and Regular Charter Schools, Christine H. Roch and Na Sai

Submissions from 2017


Remodeling the Model: Policy Transfer and the Implementation of the Affordable Care Act in Massachusetts, Rob A. DeLeo and Kevin P. Donnelly

The Impact of Gender in the Legislative Process, Brian Frederick and Shannon Jenkins


Prejudice or Principled Conservatism? Racial Resentment and White Opinion toward Paying College Athletes, Kevin Wallsten, Tatishe M. Nteta, Lauren A. McCarthy, and Melinda R. Tarsi

Submissions from 2016


Ethnopolitical Demography and Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa, Andy Baker, James R. Scarritt, and Shaheen Mozaffar


Rendering the Implicit Explicit: Political Advertisements, Partisan Cues, Race, and White Public Opinion in the 2012 Presidential Election, Tatishe M. Nteta, Rebecca Lisi, and Melinda R. Tarsi


Self-selection Versus Socialization Revisited: Military Service, Racial Resentment, and Generational Membership, Nteta M. Tatishe and Melinda R. Tarsi

Submissions from 2015


[Review of the book: The Sovereign Citizen: Denaturalization and the Origins of the American Republic by Patrick Weil], Jordan Barkalow


Understanding the Conflict Choices of Dictatorships. [Review of the book Dictators at War and Peace by Jessica L. P. Weeks], Erica Frantz


A Longitudinal Test of the Gender Turnover Model among U.S. House and Senate Members, Brian Frederick

Conflict and In/Security in Global Life, Sandra Popiden


Social Capital in Large-scale Environmental Collaboration: The Case of the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program, Christine Reed, Anthony Campbell, Mike George, Deniz Leuenberger, and John McCarty


Oil and Autocratic Regime Survival, Joseph Wright, Erica Frantz, and Barbara Geddes

Submissions from 2014


A Dictator’s Toolkit: Understanding How Co-optation Affects Repression in Autocracies, Erica Frantz and Andrea Kendall-Taylor


Military Rule, Barbara Geddes, Erica Frantz, and Joseph Wright


Autocratic Breakdown and Regime Transitions: A New Data Set, Barbara Geddes, Joseph Wright, and Erica Frantz


How Autocracies Fall, Andrea Kendall-Taylor and Erica Frantz


Mimicking Democracy to Prolong Autocracies, Andrea Kendall-Taylor and Erica Frantz


Sustainability and Transportation, Deniz Zeynep Leuenberger, John R. Bartle, and Can Chen

Submissions from 2013


Revisiting the Concept of the Failed State: Bringing the State Back In, Natasha Ezrow and Erica Frantz

Submissions from 2012


The Lessons of “Lesson Drawing”: How the Obama Administration Attempted to Learn from Failure of the Clinton Health Plan, Kevin Donnelly and David A. Rochefort

Comparative Leadership in Non-democracies, Erica Frantz and Elizabeth A. Stein