Faculty scholarship from the Political Science Department | Political Science Department | Bridgewater State University


Submissions from 2012


Sustainability in Action: Local Applications for Public Administration, Deniz Leuenberger


Reaching Citizen 2.0: How Government Uses Social Media to Send Public Messages during Times of Calm and Times of Crisis, Nancy Van Leuven, Danielle Newton, Deniz Leuenberger, and Tammy Esteves

Submissions from 2011


Gender Turnover and Roll Call Voting in the US Senate, Brian Frederick


[Review of the book: The View of the Courts from the Hill: Interactions between Congress and the Federal Judiciary by Mark C. Miller], Brian Frederick


Review of the book Tyranny of the Minority: The Subconstituency Politics Theory of Representation, Brian Frederick


The Cost of Going for the Gavel: Individual Candidate Spending in Intermediate Appellate Court Elections, Brian Frederick and Matthew J. Streb


Infrastructure Megaproject Leadership, Management, Innovation, and Accountability, Wendy Haynes


When Money Cannot Encourage Participation: Campaign Spending and Rolloff in Low Visibility Judicial Elections, Matthew J. Streb and Brian Frederick

Submissions from 2010


Tyrannies Ancient and Modern, Jordan B. Barkalow


Polls and Elections: From Hillary to Michelle: Public Opinion and the Spouses of Presidential Candidates, Barbara Burrell, Laurel Elder, and Brian Frederick


Gender and Patterns of Roll Call Voting in the U.S. Senate, Brian Frederick

Submissions from 2009


Are Female House Members Still More Liberal in a Polarized Era? The Conditional Nature of the Relationship between Descriptive and Substantive Representation, Brian Frederick


Book Review: Public Participation in Environmental Assessment and Decision Making, Deniz Zeynep Leuenberger

The use of economic criteria in the decisions of city managers and administrators, Deniz Zeynep Leuenberger


Conditions for competition in low-information judicial elections: The case of intermediate appellate court elections, Matthew J. Streb and Brian Frederick


Voter rolloff in a low-information context: Evidence from intermediate appellate court elections, Matthew J. Streb, Brian Frederick, and Casey LaFrance

Submissions from 2008


Constituency population and representation in the U.S. House, Brian Frederick


The people's perspective on the size of the people's house, Brian Frederick


Paying the price for a seat on the bench: Campaign spending in contested state intermediate appellate court elections, Brian Frederick and Matthew J. Streb


Women running for judge: The impact of sex on candidate success in state intermediate appellate court elections, Brian Frederick and Matthew J. Streb

The Department of Homeland Security and the Entrepreneurial Management and Public Policy Model: A Work in Progress, Wendy Haynes and Robert J. Wright

Submissions from 2007


Signs of the times: Environmental sustainability, citizens, leadership, and social justice, Deniz Zeynep Leuenberger


Sustainable development in public administration planning: An exploration of social justice, equity, and citizen inclusion, Deniz Zeynep Leuenberger and Michele Wakin

Contestation, competition, and the potential for Accountability in intermediate Appellate Court Elections, Matthew J. Streb, Brian Frederick, and C. LaFrance

Submissions from 2006

The idea of sustainable development in public administration, John Bartle and Deniz Zeynep Leuenberger