
'Kill-the-Dammed-Irish' and 'Poland Shall Be Free': The Catholic Conundrum in 1830s New York City

Document Type

Grant Proposal

Date Accepted

Summer 2006

Project Description/Abstract

his project elucidates the complexity of early-nineteenth century immigration politics by placing Jacksonian era anti-Catholicism adjacent to widespread support for Catholic exiles from the failed Polish Revolution of 1831. Just as nativists participated in anti-Irish riots and formed the nation's first anti-immigrant political party, various groups from Protestant clergy to middle-class women's publications to the House of Representatives came out in support for the small group of exiled, Catholic Poles. By probing the two stories together, a more nuanced and complete picture of Antebellum religious belief, civic ideology, and political anti-Catholicism come into focus. I expect to complete my work by the end of Summer 2006.

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