
Imagining and Creating a Just World: Listening To Diverse People

Document Type

Grant Proposal

Date Accepted

Summer 2007

Project Description/Abstract

While the literature base focusing on the discrimination of disenfranchised groups has grown, little is known about how discrimination or coping with these experiences compares among members of different disenfranchised groups. I will use this CART Summer Grant to write a conference paper for the American Association of University Women’s (AAUW) National Conference focusing on the results of original qualitative research examining the discrimination and coping experiences of 40 research participants who are members of at least one non-majority, disenfranchised group based on race, ethnicity, nationality, class, religion, age, (dis)ability status, gender, or sexual orientation. Emphasis will be placed on offering conference attendees with an opportunity to both learn more about the discrimination faced by marginalized groups, as well as expand their advocacy skills useful in addressing inequities and oppression. Due to conference organizers’ assessment that there will be extensive interest in this needed area of research, the 90-minute presentation will be given twice at the conference.

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