
Miriam Winslow: Educating Dancers and Articulating the Essence of Her Art

Document Type

Grant Proposal

Date Accepted

Summer 2007

Project Description/Abstract

Miriam Winslow (1909-1988) was a dance educator and choreographer interested in merging ballet and modern technique in order to train the most versatile dancers possible. Winslow’s work in Boston during the 1930s provided students with a carefully considered synthesis of these forms, and a well-developed philosophical foundation for training and performance. Her emphatic dedication to the idea that educators must know their own dance history was in many ways antithetical to some of the highly individualistic work emerging in New York at that time. Interestingly, this multiplicitous approach to dance education eventually trained versatile professionals who were in demand by the next generation of choreographers. This project will closely examine Winslow’s accomplishments in Boston through her personal papers and extensive lecture demonstration materials. This is currently the only proposed study on Winslow’s accomplishments and is vital to understanding more deeply the development of modern dance both regionally and nationally.

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