
Problems and Possibilities: Reading and Writing Genres in Context (chapter on food)

Document Type

Grant Proposal

Date Accepted

Summer 2010

Project Description/Abstract

Many first-year composition textbooks do not teach at the point of need, nor do they fully address issues of genre. The textbook (in completion stage and under contract) seeks to address these problems by 1) teaching genre-specific rhetorical strategies, and 2) teaching them at the point of need. The book, which is a reader will accomplish they by:

Featuring writing assignments (activities) that teach genre-specific strategies at the point of need, as part of the actual writing prompt; and

Providing an apparatus1 that would highlight how the rhetorical strategies used in each reading selection are genre-specific.

1”Apparatus” refers to the headnotes introducing each reading, the discussion questions following each reading, and the writing assignments that typically ask students to draw on the readings.

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