
Reasoning about Steepness; Strategies of Fifth through Eighth Grade Students when Solving Steepness Tasks

Document Type

Grant Proposal

Date Accepted

Summer 2012

Project Description/Abstract

Algebra is essential to productive members of our technology-laden society. Slope is a concept in elementary algebra which is central to understanding higher algebra and most problematic for students. Although, research exists on students’ slope-related errors post-instruction, little is known of students’ thinking about related concepts (i.e. steepness) before instruction. I research student- and problem-characteristics which affect success rate and strategies on steepness problems. CARS funding has allowed me to develop one aspect of my research into a manuscript for submission to a highly respected peer-reviewed practitioner journal (Mathematics Teaching in the Middle Grades), to augment it with activities aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, and to obtain comments from experts in the field.

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