
Women to Whom God Has Spoken: Gender and New Right Politics

Document Type

Grant Proposal

Date Accepted

Spring 2012

Project Description/Abstract

A social history/memoir, “Women to Whom God has Spoken,” traces the history of the modern evangelical movement through three generations of women in my family including myself. In a parallel arc to the national story of the rise of the Christian Right, it illuminates American women’s complex and diverse spiritual responses to the radically transformed political, social and especially, sexual landscape of the late twentieth century. To take advantage of my unique personal access to the inner domains of this movement, rather than strictly academic title, it combines traditional, historical research with oral history and personal memoir. Told in an evocative, accessible voice, it has the potential to reach a broad audience which is critical as it is my heartfelt aim to tell a humane story, one that offers substantive, ameliorative counter to our often biter national debates.

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