
Attendance at the American Society for Public Administration Conference and Presentation of Paper on the Department of Homeland Security

Document Type

Grant Proposal

Date Accepted

Spring 2005

Project Description/Abstract

I am requesting grant funds to pay for registration, airfare, etc., to the annual conference of the American Society for Public Administration in Milwaukee, WI, from April1- April 6, inclusive of national council meeting and pre-conference activities. These funds would support my presence at the conference in a number of capacities, all of which are explained below: (1) National ASPA leadership responsibilities, including serving as co-chair of the conference program (DR. Don Kettl, well-known author in the field of public administration, is my co-chair); (2) paper presentation on organizational and transportation security issues related to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security; (3) presentation of a national award in my capacity as Chair of the Section on Transportation Policy and Administration; and (4) discussion with ME Sharpe re: their expressed interest in publishing a revised version of my dissertation as a book in their urban issues series.

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