
Enter at Your Own Risk: The Dangerous Art of Dennis Cooper

Document Type

Grant Proposal

Date Accepted

Spring 2005

Project Description/Abstract

I am requesting funds to aid me with supplemental publishing costs for my volume Enter At Your Own Risk: The Dangerous Art of Dennis Cooper. The Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, which will publish my volume, will cover the majority of publishing costs, but cannot fund the reproduction of color images. Insofar as my volume discusses the relation between contemporary transgressive are and fiction, both my editor and I deem the color plates that literally and figuratively illustrate this connection essential to the volume’s success. I also seek funds for copyright permissions for these images and to reprint some of the essays, which had originally appeared in museum catalogues or journals. I am both the editor of and a contributor to the volume, with an introduction, a lengthy essay, and interview with renowned film director John Waters, and a shorter essay on Cooper’s newest novel.

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