
Global Cybersecurity Training

With the growth of digital and information technology, issues involving cybercrime and information security have emerged as transnational concerns that affect people across conventional, spatial, and temporal boundaries. Cybercrime and cybersecurity have become more prevalent in recent years, as cases involving severe security breaches, identity theft, digital fraud, online drug-trafficking, cyberbullying, and online interpersonal crimes have risen in both count and frequency. This rise signals a heightened level of awareness and concern for the role modern technology has in facilitating cybercrime and online victimization. Cybercrime issues have the potential to impact anyone in the world, regardless of their spatial and temporal setting. As a result of this unique trait, nations are constantly expanding their technological capability to monitor cybercrime behaviors. This initiative naturally requires international cooperation and constant effort from government agencies, the private sector, and educational institutions. Thus, it is crucial for the global audience to share their knowledge and skills with companies, law enforcement agencies, and other actors interested in the field of cybercrime investigation and cybersecurity.

One of the main goals of the Center for Cybercrime Investigation and Cybersecurity (CIC) is to become a leader and sustainable source of scholarship, training, and service in the field of cybercrime and cybersecurity for both national and international communities by gaining a strong and targeted base of knowledge within the discipline. Further, CIC aims to provide potential research opportunities that allow law enforcement officers to develop skills in digital investigation. The main objective of this goal includes allowing students to work on research projects with experts in cybercrime and cybersecurity. CIC also seeks to collaborate with the general and international public by providing awareness programs. CIC offers on-site and online training course for police officers.

With the support and backing of editorial board members from various countries all over the world, CIC has the international partnerships needed to conduct collaborative research and provide law enforcement trainings to both domestic and global law enforcement agencies interested in this burgeoning phenomenon. We aim to collaborate and work with a broad range of experts in the field of cybercrime and cybersecurity, while also providing training for law enforcement officers, business stakeholders, and computer science-related personnel. The goal is to be on the forefront of innovative research while simultaneously offering comprehensive modules that are both informative and pragmatic. The hope is for this potential partnership to promote greater global cybersecurity and educate the global law enforcement community.