
An American in Palermo: the Development of a Film Treatment

Document Type

Grant Proposal

Date Accepted

Fall 2006

Project Description/Abstract

The penultimate step in the systematic development of a fiction-film screenplay is the writing of a treatment. The treatment is a 20-page narrative version of the script that serves as both blueprint for the final script and marketing tool within the film industry. In spite of the treatment’s importance, few examples are available for aspiring screenwriters. The overall goal of this project is to develop An American in Palermo, a filmic parody of contemporary Anglo-American cultural travel narratives (e.g., Under the Tuscan Sun). The thematic purposes of the script are the promotion of sustainable intercultural communication practices and the analysis of food’s role in cultural (mis)understanding. The initial outcome of this project is a treatment that will be made available initially to my screenwriting students and, ultimately, in online and/or book form for pedagogical purposes. The long-term goal is to transform the treatment into a complete 120-page script.

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