
The Role of Political Parties and Democratic Consolidation in South Africa

Document Type

Grant Proposal

Date Accepted

Fall 2003

Project Description/Abstract

To what extent do political parties in Africa’s emerging democracies possess the organizational structures and procedures that enhance their capacity and effectiveness in democratic governance and democratic consolidation? To answer this question systematically, I will undertake a seven-week research trip to South Africa during which I will (a) collect data on the organizational structures and procedures of four major political parties in that country and (b) interview national and provincial party leaders to lay the groundwork for more intensive future research for a larger comparative project on political parties and democracy in Africa. The specific objective of the proposed project is to help develop a dataset for systematic analysis of the role of political parties in democratic governance and democratic consolidation in Africa. Its broader objective is to improve conceptually, theoretically and methodologically rigorous analysis and understanding of the role of political parties in fostering and sustaining successful democracies.

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