Faculty scholarship from the Communication Studies Department | Communication Studies Department | Bridgewater State University


Submissions from 2018


Make America Great Again: Donald Trump and Redefining the U.S. Role in the World, Jason A. Edwards


Information-seeking Tactics and Sense of Workplace Community in Korea, Yongjun Shin, Hee Sun Park, Seung Soo Han, and Woo-Sung Chang

Submissions from 2017


Monsters to Destroy? The Rhetorical Legacy of John Quincy Adams’ July 4th, 1821 Oration, Jason A. Edwards


‘It Ain’t for Children’: ‘Shame-Interest’ in Precious and Bastard Out of Carolina, Michele Meek


Lolita Speaks: Disrupting Nabokov’s “Aesthetic Bliss”, Michele Meek


Mind The Gap: An Exploratory Case Study Analysis of Public Relations Student Intern and On-Site Supervisors’ Perceptions of Job Skills and Professional Characteristics, Thomasena Shaw


Modeling Community Resources and Communications Mapping for Strategic Inter-organizational Problem Solving and Civic Engagement, Yongjun Shin and Donghee Shin

Submissions from 2016

Gerald Ford: Plan to Whip Inflation Now, Jason A. Edwards


Of Art and Drudgery: Homekeeping, Martha Stewart, and Techné, Melanie Joy McNaughton


When New Media Make News: Framing Technology and Sexual Assault in the Steubenville Rape Case, Rosemary Pennington and Jessica Birthisel


Connecting Political Communication with Urban Politics: A Bourdieusian Framework, Yongjun Shin

Submissions from 2015


Foreign Policy Rhetoric in the 1992 Presidential Campaign: Bill Clinton's Exceptionalist Jeremiad, Jason Edwards


Bringing in Earthly Redemption: Slobodan Milosevic and the National Myth of Kosovo, Jason A. Edwards


Debating America’s Decline. [Review of the book Twilight of the Republic: Empire and Exceptionalism in the American Political Tradition, by Justin B. Litke], Jason A. Edwards

Submissions from 2014


How Body, Heterosexuality and Patriarchal Entanglements Mark Non-human Characters as Male in CGI-animated Children's Films, Jessica Birthisel


The Good Citizen: Presidential Rhetoric, Immigrants, and Naturalization Ceremonies, Jason Edwards

Collective Apologies and Reconstituting Citizenship, Jason A. Edwards

Resettling America's Role in the World: President Obama's Rhetoric of (Re)Conciliation and Partnership, Jason A. Edwards


British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Irish Potato Famine Apology, Jason A. Edwards and Amber Luckie

The Passamaquoddy Indians: Casinos, Controversy, and Creative Apparel, Marilyn J. Matelski and Nancy L. Street


Reconstructing Urban Politics with a Bourdieusian Framework: The Case of Local Low-Income Housing Policy, Yongjun Shin

"Death by Taxes": A Postmortem on Romney's Tax-Return Apologia, Joseph M. Valenzano III and Jason A. Edwards

Exceptionally Distinctive: President Obama’s Complicated Articulation of American Exceptionalism, Joseph M. Valenzano III and Jason A. Edwards

Submissions from 2013

An Attempt to Heal Rifts in Medicine: Collective Apology and the American Medical Association’s Attempts at Reconciliation with the African-American Community, Benjamin R. Bates and Jason A. Edwards


"That’s What She Said": Gender, Satire, and the American Workplace on the Sitcom The Office, Jessica Birthisel and Jason A. Martin