Volume 9 (2013)
Entire Issue
Front Matter
Letter from the Editor
Stacy Moskos Nistendirk
The Power of Undergraduate Research
Jenny Olin Shanahan
The Effects of Earlier School Start Times on Cognition and Sleep in Children Ages 7-10
Kimberly Bryant
Fluency in Bilingual Preschool Children
Jenna DeChristopher
The Effect of Hydrochloric Acid Strength on the Nanometer-Scale Dissolution Topography of Calcite Crystal Surfaces
Jennifer Fruzzetti
Exploring Diagonals in the Calkin-Wilf Tree
Matthew Gagne
Ex-Prisoners’ Perceptions of the Availability and Effects of Programs and Services in Correctional Settings
Jenna Houston
Modeling Plaque Aggregation on the Neuronal Network
Thomas Howard
Letter from Israel
Marjorie Howe
The Object of Desire: How Being Objectified Creates Sexual Pressure for Heterosexual Women in Relationships
Tiffany Hoyt
Amygdalae Enlargement and Activation are Associated with Social Network Complexity in Individuals with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Christina Jasper
Ancients, Moderns, and Americans: The Case of Tyranny
Alexandria LaRose
The Examination of Ankle Joint Motion between Barefoot and Minimalist Running Shoes on Various Inclines
Stephanie Lloyd
Preliminary Findings: Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff in Windmill Fastball and Change-up Pitching
Kevin McElwee
A Study in Sherlock
Rebecca McLaughlin
Characterization and Investigation of At2g42005 in Arabidopsis thaliana, a Nematode-Induced Transporter
Rachel Medina
The Consumption of Children in a Capitalistic Society
Jessica Melendy
What was that again, Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation?
Janelle Roberts
The Role of Temporal Comparisons in Judgments of Gender Equality
Meghan Sullivan and Zeely Sylvia
1st and 2nd Year Work
Car Modification: A Vehicle for Self Expression
Emily Kearns
God of Manga or Devil of the Medium?
Michael Rose
A Greener Disney
Cidalia Pina

- Managing Editor
- Stacy Moskos Nistendirk
- Director of Undergraduate Research
- Jenny Olin Shanahan