Document Type


Degree Comments

Submitted to the College of Graduate Studies Bridgewater State University Bridgewater, Massachusetts In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Criminal Justice.

Degree Program

Criminal Justice

Degree Type

Master of Science


The purpose of this quantitative research study was to examine administration, faculty, staff, and student’s perceptions of safety within a large university community in the American Northeast. Previous research has been done at other educational institutions primarily in the American South and West, but research such as this has been limited in the Northeastern area of the United States. An online survey was sent using a combination of convenient and snowball sampling. Participants in this survey include administration, faculty, staff, and students from the campus community. Results suggest that individuals who took this survey felt moderately safe while on campus. Possible applications that may increase a feeling of safety may include increased environmental elements (i.e. concrete barriers), additional mechanisms (i.e. badging systems), and campus-wide training (i.e. evacuation drills)


Dr. Mitch Librett, Chair

Dr. Feodor Gostjev, Member

Dr. Khadija Monk, Member
