Document Type


Degree Comments

Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in Teaching in the College of Graduate Studies at Bridgewater State University, 2015.

Degree Program


Degree Type

Master of Arts in Teaching


While the educational benefits of alternative assessment are being increasingly recognized and alternative assessment procedures introduced into the different educational levels, in Cape Verde, many EFL teachers are not aware of its importance. The main purpose of this thesis is to synthesize and review the available literature on alternative assessment tools to evaluate the writing of EFL students of Cape Verde secondary schools. The issue of accurate and fair assessment of students writing probably constitutes the major dilemma in both L1 and L2 writing fields, and EFL field is not an exception. The paper also aims to make Cape Verdean EFL teachers aware of the different types of alternative assessment that exist to assess students, focusing on analytical and self-assessment tool, as important means of gaining a dynamic picture of students' academic and linguistic development.


Julia Stakhnevich (chair)

Anne E. Doyle

John-Michael Bodi

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Education Commons
