Northern Peruvian non-governmental organizations
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Interorganizational relationships are important capacity-building mechanisms for non-governmental organizations. Based on case studies of six Peruvian NGOs, this study found that international NGOs play crucial roles in how Peruvian NGOs function. In contrast, collaborative relationships among these Peruvian NGOs and with the government are underdeveloped. Possible reasons for these findings are discussed.
Original Citation
Claiborne, N., Junqing Liu, Vandenburgh, H., Hagen, J., Mera Rodas, A., Raunelli Sander, J.M., …Zurita Paucar, M.J. (2009). Northern Peruvian non-governmental organizations. International Social Work, 52(3).
Virtual Commons Citation
Claiborne, Nancy; Liu, Junqing; Vandenburgh, Hank; Hagen, Jan; Mera Rodas, Amanda; Raunelli Sander, Juan Manual; Adanaque Zapata, Juan Gabriel; and Zurita Paucar, Martin Javier (2009). Northern Peruvian non-governmental organizations. In Sociology Faculty Publications. Paper 7.
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