Asian Food: Ethical Considerations
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Numerous factors shape decisions about what to eat, including region and geography, nationality, social class, ethnicity, and ethical considerations. Ethical belief systems influence not only what people eat or do not eat, but also how people eat and who they eat with. Other food and cuisine-related issues having ethical implications include hunger and food security, shifting diets and their repercussions, and sustainability. This piece focuses on South Asia, especially India, and East Asia, primarily China, Japan, and Korea.
Original Citation
Carroll, W.F. (2014). Asian Food: Ethical Considerations. In P.B. Thompson & D.M. Kaplan (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-6167-4.
Virtual Commons Citation
Carroll, Walter F. (2014). Asian Food: Ethical Considerations. In Sociology Faculty Publications. Paper 22.
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