
Hwabyung and Depressive Symptoms among Korean Immigrants

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This article describes the findings from a study that examined the psychological ramifications of immigration experiences among Koreans in the United States using hwabyung and depressive symptoms. Data collected from an anonymous survey of 242 voluntary participants were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r), and hierarchical multiple regression (R2). The findings demonstrated the statistically significant correlation between hwabyung and depressive symptoms. Also found was the important role of coping resources in explaining both hwabyung and depressive symptoms among Korean immigrants. Additionally, the findings suggest that having a graduate school education in the United Sates, receiving money from Korea, and being a woman were found to be significantly related to hwabyung symptoms. However, no factors related to individual characteristics appeared to have a significant impact on depressive symptoms. Based on the findings, the implications for practice are discussed.

Original Citation

Lee, J. (2015). Hwabyung and Depressive Symptoms among Korean Immigrants. Social Work in Mental Health, 13(2), 159-185. https://doi.org/10.1080/15332985.2013.812538
