
Sexual abuse in the preschool years: Blending ideas from object relations theory, ego psychology, and biology

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This paper uses concepts from relational psychodynamic theories and findings from neurobiology to conceptualize a young child’s experience of sexual abuse. Selected developmental tasks are discussed using an integrated theoretical framework. Literature which highlights the importance of the child’s environment is reviewed. A case of a sexually abused 5-year-old girl demonstrates consequences of sexual abuse using ideas from psychodynamic theories and neurobiology. It is recommended that social work practitioners expand on the biology domain when conducting a bio-psycho-social assessment. Social work students may benefit from additional content on biology in social work curricula.

Original Citation

Lovett B.B. (2007). Sexual abuse in the preschool years: Blending ideas from object relations theory, ego psychology, and biology. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 24(6), 579-589. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10560-007-0108-7
