
Hand-Held Weather Stations for Geography Labs and Research

Document Type

Grant Proposal

Date Accepted

Spring 2010

Project Description/Abstract

Urbanization dramatically alters the landscape characteristics within regions ranging from a few meters to regional scales. There is compelling evidence that growth in Southeastern Massachusetts is occurring as the expense of large areas of natural landscapes. Through courses in meteorology, climatology and the climate change science second year seminar at BSC, students will use advanced hand-held weather meters to measure and record the impact of landscape variability both within the campus boundaries and at field sites, such as Harvard Forest. Consequently, students will learn scientific methods and directly contribute results to research that will help climate scientists understand the impacts and urban planners develop smart practices that integrate green space to buffer extremes created by urbanization. Objectives of this project include: 1) acquiring four Kestrel weather instruments 2) integrating instruments into team projects in meteorology and second year seminar classes, and 3) posting results on a refined BSC Weather web site. Expected outcomes include four teams of students per class creating posters or oral presentation for the mid-year, undergraduate research, and environmental research symposia. Publication of methods and results is expected in The Undergraduate Review. Furthermore, the instructor, Hellström, in collaboration with one undergraduate research student (supported by ATP) will compile results and present at the national meeting of the Association of American Geographers.

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