Mathematics is the bedrock of national development. It is a subject without which a nation cannot move forward scientifically or technologically. It has been observed that the level of female participation in Mathematics studies in the Universities is very low and over the years there has been a steady decline. The study involved focus group discussions with the lecturers in Mathematics Department from these Universities from 1995-2000. This paper has established the low level of female undergraduates and female lecturers in Mathematics Departments in the Universities in Edo and Delta States. The major strategies identified in this paper for the promotion and retention of female mathematics teachers are as follows: (a) Early professional counseling of school children; (b) Gender education for parents and teachers; (c) Sensitization seminars for girls in particular. The paper discusses the effects of this shortfall and suggests some of the strategies for promoting enrollment and retention of female students in mathematics studies in the Universities.
Recommended Citation
Alutu, A. N. G. and Eraikhuemen, L.
"The Shortfall of Female Mathematics Lecturers in Nigerian Universities: Strategies for Promotion and Retention of Prospective Female Mathematics Lecturers,"
Journal of International Women's Studies: Vol. 5:
5, Article 5.
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