

I had long known of Eva Hauserová – major Czech feminist writer and founding figure of the Gender Studies Center in Prague. I met her personally for the first time at party she gave in Prague in spring 2001, certainly one of the most delightful get-togethers I enjoyed while I was there: it was a “kiddie” party, and we (a number of well-known writers and scholars) were to dress up like kids, eat snacks and play children’s games. I was immediately enchanted by Eva’s wit, her artistic and literary talent, as well as her lucid understanding of Czech politics and society. It was not until this year that I resolved to interview this inspiring figure, first online and then face-to-face in Prague. Again I was charmed by her presence, above all in her modest appraisal of herself and her clever, insightful commentary on contemporary Czech issues. I begin with a brief biography.

Author Biography

Madelaine Hron, Department of Comparative Literature, University of Michigan
