The documentary Beyond Men and Masculinity explores the negative impact of traditional masculinity on men’s mental and emotional health, as well as its broader societal implications. It advocates for a redefined version of masculinity based on vulnerability, compassion, and equality. The experts in the documentary emphasize the need for men to express their emotions, challenge traditional gender norms, and create a more just and equitable society. By redefining masculinity, the documentary envisions a future where men can thrive beyond rigid expectations and embrace their authentic selves, leading to improved mental health, reduced violence, and stronger communities.
Recommended Citation
AkhaviZadegan, Raheleh
"Film Review: Beyond Men and Masculinity–Exploring the Detrimental Effects of Masculinity and Envisioning a New Paradigm,"
Journal of International Women's Studies: Vol. 26:
1, Article 20.
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