

This study aims to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and subjective well-being among working women. 104 working women were selected from various levels of employment including higher, middle, and lower using purposive sampling method. Emotional Intelligence and Subjective Well-being scales were used to collect data. The 5 sub-scales of emotional intelligence are self-awareness, managing emotions, motivating oneself, empathy, and social skills. The Subjective Well-being scale is divided into four aspects: satisfaction with life in general and in different areas of life, satisfaction with work and job performance, satisfaction with the economic situation in the last year, and moods/emotions during the previous week. Pearson's Product-Moment correlation and Descriptive analysis were done to find out the relationship between emotional intelligence and subjective well-being. The impact of emotional intelligence and subjective well-being was obtained through a linear regression analysis. Results showed that there is a significant positive correlation (0.5) between emotional intelligence and subjective well-being, signifying the importance of the need to work on developing emotional intelligence in working women.

Author Biography

Dr. Rema MK has a doctorate in Clinical Psychology. She has presented and published various scholarly articles in national and international journals. She is a trained psychotherapist with experience working with children, adolescents, women, elderly, and life counselling, alcoholism, HIV/ AIDS, survivors of domestic violence, and people with other psychiatric illnesses. She is also a research guide for IGNOU and is a certified clinical supervisor. She is currently working as Assistant Professor of Psychology at Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bangalore. Email: dr.rema@kristujayanti.com

Ritu Gupta is a Counseling Psychologist and Facilitator at National Institute of Values Education. She has a natural ability to empathize with people, and she finds an intrinsic sense of reward and meaning that she has been seeking in her life by connecting with others and helping them through difficult times. She is a volunteer with ICall Psychosocial Helpline, a project of Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
