"Intimate Partner Femicide in the Serbian Mainstream Media" by Jovana Čvorić


Femicide represents the most extreme form of male violence against women (MVAW) and a growing problem in contemporary Serbian society. Despite the long-term struggle of the feminist movement to turn (lethal) MVAW into a political issue, it has remained in a private domain, out of the public eye. Due to the lack of official statistics on cases of femicide, news reports are the only source of information on this phenomenon. However, media reporting on this topic is problematic. From a feminist standpoint, this paper seeks to show how the maintenance of the patriarchal narrative about MVAW in the Serbian media impacts the audience perceptions of intimate partner femicide (IPF). The study uses critical discourse analysis to explore online readers’ comments on articles relating to IPF published in four Serbian daily newspaper web portals in 2013 (when the highest number of IPFs was recorded).

Author Biography

Jovana Čvorić has a background in Sociology from the Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade. She completed her Master’s degree in Gender Studies at the University of Sussex in 2019, as the recipient of a Chevening Scholarship Award. She is also an alumna of the International Summer School on Gender Equality in the Nordic Countries at the University of Oslo. This paper represents an abridged version of her Master’s dissertation. mejorleblona@gmail.com
