One of the policies which has been issued by the Indonesian government regarding madrasah (Islamic schooling) is the Government Regulation (PP) No 11 of 2010 on Guidelines for Gender Mainstreaming (Pengarusutamaan Gender-PUG) in Madrasah of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. The issuance of this policy is an attempt to eliminate the “gender gap” that occurs in madrasah. For almost two decades, it has been issued, but the gender gap still occurs in madrasah. This is shown from the results of several previous studies. However, all of the previous studies on the achievement of PUG in madrasah only looked at some aspects of the National Education Standard (Standard National Pendidikan-SNP) and also did not examine all level of madrasah. In fact, in order to see the achievement of PUG based on the SNP, all aspects and levels of madrasah should be examined. By taking the coverage of the SNP and madrasah level into account, a comprehensive picture of the PUG achievement in madrasah based on the SNP will be obtained. Thus, the present study aims to examine the extent of PUG achievement in madrasah based on the overall aspects of the SNP. This study used a mixed methods approach that combines qualitative and quantitative approaches. The research location is at the primary and secondary level public madrasah in Riau province in Indonesia. Data collection techniques consist of questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive percentages while qualitative data were analysed using Miles and Huberman’s model, data reduction, data presentation or display, and conclusions or data verification. To facilitate the data analysis process, indicators of gender equality and equity in education were used. The research findings show that the achievement of PUG based on SNP is still low in almost all standards of the SNP and the results even indicate that madrasahs in Riau Province are not familiar with PUG. It is suggested to the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Riau Province that they should improve the key components of the PUG by functioning the progress of PUG working groups, functioning the progress of focal point group, updating the information system to complete the disaggregated data, improving and supporting the communication information kit, and providing budget for gender-oriented madrasahs. However, further studies related to the achievement of PUG in Islamic education needs to involve both public and private Islamic schooling as well as pesantren, so that the comprehensive picture of the achievement can be seen thoroughly.
Recommended Citation
Riswani, Riswani; Susanti, Rita; Bakhtiar, Nurhasanah; Zein, Masud; Khaidir, Eniwati; and Taher, Musa
"Achievement of Gender Mainstreaming in Islamic Schooling Based on the National Education Standard in Indonesia,"
Journal of International Women's Studies: Vol. 20:
9, Article 4.
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