

This article examines representations of Anderson shelters in English women’s Second World War epistolary correspondence, arguing that both the adaptation of shelters and the representation of these changes—as depicted in women’s correspondence—evidences wartime resilience. The article argues that the domestication of these spaces designed for protection, rather than comfort, resonates with pervasive wartime discourses articulating the cultural value of the home.

Author Biography

Stephanie Butler completed her Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada funded English Literature Ph.D. at Newcastle University in 2017. Her Ph.D. thesis investigated British women’s use of letter-writing as peer support to cope with threatened and actual home loss during the Second World War. As a Ph.D. student she was a research fellow for the Saratoga Foundation for Women Worldwide, undertook a doctoral exchange with the English faculty at the University of Oxford, and published eight academic articles.
