

In Botswana, local news media outlets have documented the prevalence of so-called ‘passion killings’; however, no published studies have been conducted that examine these intimate partner homicides. Using ethnographic content analysis informed by a theory of framing, this study investigated the characteristics of these crimes, and societal attitudes, myths and stereotypes regarding intimate partner homicides and passion killings. Articles from four Batswana newspapers were analyzed. The information derived from this analysis is used to develop future directions for the study of intimate partner violence and homicides in Botswana.

Author Biography

Deinera Exner, BSc, completed her bachelor’s degree in microbiology at the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, in April 2007. She worked on this study as part of an Undergraduate Directed Study in Gender-based Analysis and Health Policy. She has continued her education, doing a Master of Public Health degree at Boston University.

Wilfreda E. Thurston, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, and Director, Institute for Gender Research, at the University of Calgary. Her program of research and training includes prevention of gender based interpersonal violence against women; the interplay of gender, culture and socioeconomics as determinants of health, development and evaluation of health promotion programs; and public participation as a key tenet of population health.
