

Document Type



Drama therapy, as defined by the North American Drama Therapy Association is “the intentional use of drama and/or theater processes to achieve therapeutic goals…an embodied practice that is active and experiential. This approach can provide the context for participants to tell their stories, set goals and solve problems, express feelings, or achieve catharsis” (NADTA 2021). NADTA was established in 1979 as an organization to advocate for drama therapy and to ensure that drama therapists are upholding the proper qualifications to practice. As noted by the organization, drama therapy can be used in a variety of different settings, including classrooms, nursing homes, hospital units, shelters, and more. While much research has been done on the positive impacts of drama therapy with adults, far less has been focused on the potential benefits for children and adolescents. As research has begun to be formalized with this subject group, it has been found that drama therapy is especially beneficial to children and adolescents, regardless of gender, ability, and location.



Thesis Comittee

Prof. Miranda Giurleo, Thesis Advisor
Prof. Emmett Buhmann, Committee Member
Prof. Sarah Elizabeth Bedard, Committee Member
