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This paper examines the most common factors that lead to voluntary employee turnover, and the implications employee turnover has on an organization. Additionally, this paper will consider the varying values and workplace expectations of different demographic groups such as Millennials, Generation X, Generation Y, and Baby Boomers and how such factors could influence voluntary turnover. A study is conducted from survey results gathered across a large span of generations that are currently employed. Using statistical analysis employing t-tests and a Mood’s Median test, the results show that different generations have differently weighing values for specific organizational offerings. The results show high differentiation across workplace offerings such as options to work remotely, employee sociability, employee development, retirement plan options, and employee recognition. The paper concludes with an analysis of what can be done in organizations to improve retention rates better.



Thesis Comittee

Dr. Marian M. Extejt, Thesis Advisor

Dr. Todd C. Harris, Committee Member

Dr. Christian Delaunay, Committee Member

Copyright and Permissions

Original document was submitted as an Honors Program requirement. Copyright is held by the author.
