"The Prevalence of Rape Myths on a Mid-Sized, Public College Campus" by Meghan Lewis



Document Type



This paper aims to examine implicit beliefs regarding rape myths, and the effects of rape myths, on a mid-sized, public college campus. The current study employs an anonymous survey that contains questions regarding victim blaming, rape denial, rape myth-misinformation, as well as the effects of rape culture and rape myths. Results from the collected data support previous literature which has noted a relationship between gender and rape myth endorsement (Rollero and Tartaglia 2018; Bernard, Loughnan, Marchal, Godart, and Klein 2015), as well as a relationship between gender and feelings of safety on campuses (Fairchild and Rudman 2008). More specifically, the findings presented in this research show that men are more likely than women to endorse the rape myth that clothing choices are factors in sexual assaults, that consent cannot be revoked once given, and to deny sexual assaults. The study also revealed that women are more likely to feel unsafe walking on their college campus at night compared to men. Although this research shed light on rape myths and rape culture on the studied campus, further research needs to be conducted across campuses that vary in demographic characteristics, in order to yield generalizable results.



Thesis Comittee

Dr. Meghan Murphy, Thesis Advisor

Dr. Kim MacInnis, Committee Member

Dr. Kim Fox, Committee Member

Copyright and Permissions

Original document was submitted as an Honors Program requirement. Copyright is held by the author.

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Sociology Commons
