Faculty scholarship from the History Department | History Department | Bridgewater State University


Submissions from 2014


"Knowledge Will Be Manifold": Daniel 12.4 and the Idea of Intellectual Progress in the Middle Ages, J. R. Webb

Submissions from 2013


Orthodox Dissidence as De-atomization: Father Dmitrii Dudko and his Battle with Razobshchennost, Nicholas Ganson


Radicalism in the Age of Jackson, Joshua R. Greenberg


'How Very Wrong They Are, How Little They Know:' Diary-keeping, Private Anguish, Public Bodies, and Modern Female Subjectivity, Margaret A. Lowe

[Review of the book: Fat Shame: Stigma and the Fat Body in American Culture by Amy Erdman Farrell], Margaret A. Lowe

[Review of the book: Freedom National: The Destruction of Slavery in the United States, 1861-1865 by James Oakes], Thomas G. Nester

[Review of the book: Going Back the Way They Came: A History of the Phillips Georgia Legion Cavalry Battalion by Richard M. Coffman], Thomas G. Nester


[Review of the book: Long Live Atahualpa: Indigenous Politics, Justice, and Democracy in the Northern Andes by Emma Cervone], Erin E. O'Connor


[Review of the book: One State, Many Nations: Indigenous Rights Struggles in Ecuador by Maximilian Viatori], Erin E. O'Connor


Local Economic Stewards: The Historiography of the Fishermen's Role in Resource Conservation, Brian Payne


Book Review: Robert Oppenheimer: A Life in the Center, by R. Monk, Paul Rubinson

Lyndon B. Johnson, Paul Rubinson


Rinkside: New Scholarly Studies on Ice Hockey and Society, Julie Stevens and Andrew C. Holman

Submissions from 2012


[Review of the book The Market Revolution in America: Liberty, Ambition, and the Eclipse of the Common Good by John Lauritz Larson], Joshua R. Greenberg


[Review of the book Revolution and Religious Dissent: The Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox Clergy as a Carrier of Religious Change in the Bohemian Countries and in Russia 1848-1922 (Revolution und religiöser Dissens: Der römisch-katholische und der russisch-orthodoxe Klerus als Träger religiösen Wandels in den bömischen Ländern und in Russland 1848–1922) by Martin Schulze Wissel], Leonid Heretz


Telling Stories About Indigeneity and Canadian Sport: The Spectacular Cree and Ojibway Indian Hockey Barnstorming Tour of North America, 1928, Andrew Holman

Una "bandera de tendones": el hockey sobre hielo y la historia de Canadá [A Flag of Tendons: Hockey and Canadian History], Andrew Holman


The Limits of Gender Domination: Women, the Law, and Political Crisis in Quito, 1765-1830, Erin O'Connor


Book Review: Reagan on War: A Reappraisal of the Weinberger Doctrine, 1980–1984, Paul Rubinson

"For Our Soviet Colleagues": Scientific Internationalism, Human Rights, and the Cold War, Paul Rubinson


The Notorious "Bull" Nelson: Murdered Civil War General [Review of the book The Notorious “Bull” Nelson: Murdered Civil War General, by Donald A. Clark], Thomas R. Turner

Submissions from 2010


[Review of the book: Jolly Fellows: Male Milieus in Nineteenth-Century America by Richard Stott], Joshua R. Greenberg


The Needle's Eye: Women and Work in the Age of Revolution, Joshua R. Greenberg


Lincoln Legends: Myths, Hoaxes, and Confabulations Associated With Our Greatest President [Review of the book Lincoln Legends: Myths, Hoaxes, and Confabulations Associated With Our Greatest President, by Edward Steers Jr.], Thomas Turner

Submissions from 2009


Introduction: Victorian Women in Britain and the United States: new perspectives, Jane Hamlett and Sarah Wiggins