"Sport and Identities in Quebec" by Andrew C. Holman


Sport and Identities in Quebec

Publication Date


Document Type

Book Chapter


This chapter examines aspects of the history of sport in Quebec, from its origins as a series of anglo-elite gentlemanly pastimes to its place as a vector for national affirmation among francophones and others in the province. The chapter shows that sport has been implicated in the turbulent political culture of Quebec since the mid-nineteenth century. Sport has been a site where the interests of Quebec’s First Nations, Anglophone, francophone, and immigrant communities have been articulated – sometimes in consensus, sometimes in conflict. Sport reflects the complex ethnic history and cultural present of the province. In Quebec, sport is at once a catalyst, a proxy, and a mirror for the national question.

Original Citation

Holman, A. (2016). Sport and Identities in Quebec. In S. Gervais, C. Kirkey, & J. Rudy (Eds.), Quebec Questions: Quebec Studies for the Twenty-first Century (2nd Ed.) (pp. 120-134). Ontario: Oxford University Press.

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