
The potential impact of agricultural management change on soil restoration of the cereal-growing regions of central Spain

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In order to implement best practices that maintain agricultural productivity and in the process restore soils and environmental quality, there needs to be better understanding of how soil management affects soil factors associated with and leading to soil degradation and desertification. This study presents new information about how agricultural land management changes affect soil restoration and SOC levels for cereal-growing regions of central Spain. The results show extensification of agricultural practices using long term pasture rotations (e.g. 5-year) may improve soil degradation via the restoration of SOC levels.

Original Citation

Boellstorff D.L. (2008). The potential impact of agricultural management change on soil restoration of the cereal-growing regions of central Spain. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 100, 37-46. https://doi.org/10.2495/GEO080041
