Faculty scholarship from the English Department | English Department | Bridgewater State University


Submissions from 2014

[Review of the book: At the Violet Hour: Modernism and Violence in Ireland and England by S. Cole], Ellen Scheible

Submissions from 2013


[Review of the book Suzan-Lori Parks: Essays on the Plays and Other Works edited by Philip C. Kolin], Heidi R. Bean


Darkness at Noon, Benjamin Carson

Guiding Principles for Supporting Faculty as Writers at a Teaching-mission Institution, Michelle Cox and Ann Brunjes


[Review of the book: Empire's Wake: Postcolonial Irish Writing and the Politics of Modern Literary Form by Mark Quigley], Ellen Scheible

Cosmo-Transcendental Positioning of the Living Being in the Universe in Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka's New Enlightenment, Jadwiga S. Smith

Submissions from 2012


Folly and the Holy Face: The Medievalism of Ignazio Silone, James Crowley


Memory, Genre and the Romance Revisited: Joeh. R. Mringer's The Tender Bar, a Memoir, James P. Crowley


[Review of the book: Deception and Detection in Eighteenth-Century Britain by Jack Lynch], Thomas M. Curley

The Presence of Hades in the Codex of Visions (P.BODM. XXXI, XXXII, XXXV), Kevin Kalish


Lost in the Maine Woods: Henry David Thoreau, Joseph Nicolar and the Penobscot World, John Kucich


The Icelandic Sagas as a Subject for Undergraduate Study, John P. Sexton

Submissions from 2011


[Review of the books: The Kenning Anthology of Poets Theater: 1945–1985 and Poets at Play: An Anthology of Modernist Drama], Heidi R. Bean

Henry IV, Part 1: When Harry Met Harry, Matt Bell

Milton Against Servitude: Classical Friendship, Tyranny, and the Law of Nature, Gregory Chaplin

Snapshots of our Literacies, Michelle Cox and Katherine E. Tirabassi

America, Thomas M. Curley

The Academic Novel and the Future of the Humanities, Evelyn Pezzulich

The Bog Gothic, Ellen Scheible

Writing the Eighteenth-century Household: Leapor, Austen, and the Old Feudal Spirits, Elizabeth Veisz

Submissions from 2010


Beyond sacrifice: Milton and the atonement, Gregory Chaplin

Difference and Disability: On the Logic of Naming in the Icelandic Sagas, John P. Sexton


In Praise of the Saints: Introducing Medieval Hagiography into the British Literature Survey, John P. Sexton


Language practices and perceptions: A case study of six South African teachers, Carol Thomson and Julia Stakhnevich

Submissions from 2009


A Center for Academic Achievement: How Innovative Collaborations Between Faculty and Learning Center Administrators Built Model, Credit-Bearing, First-Year Courses with Embedded Support for At-Risk Students, Elaine Bukowiecki, Susan Miskelly, Dorie AuCoin, Heidi Burgiel, Kathryn Evans, Ruth Farrar, Julia Stakhnevich, and Steven Viveiros