Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University - EdTech Day: CafeScribe Platform – Digital Textbooks

Event Title

CafeScribe Platform – Digital Textbooks


Hart 116

Start Time

18-8-2011 1:00 PM

End Time

18-8-2011 1:40 PM


As a campus community, we are committed to providing our students with the highest quality education and the best opportunities for success. Technology and choice should be positive forces in education today, yet both can prove to be cumbersome and challenging. More than ever before, we are faced with an ever growing list of choices when making course materials selections. From traditional stand alone textbooks, to custom published products, to rental titles and ever growing demand for digital textbooks.

CaféScribe is the next generation of digital textbook positioned to improve teaching and learning experiences. It is a powerful platform that can establish an interactive learning community, engage students to help drive pedagogical goals, customize the text for your course and can be used from one semester to the next with no expiration.

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Aug 18th, 1:00 PM Aug 18th, 1:40 PM

CafeScribe Platform – Digital Textbooks

Hart 116

As a campus community, we are committed to providing our students with the highest quality education and the best opportunities for success. Technology and choice should be positive forces in education today, yet both can prove to be cumbersome and challenging. More than ever before, we are faced with an ever growing list of choices when making course materials selections. From traditional stand alone textbooks, to custom published products, to rental titles and ever growing demand for digital textbooks.

CaféScribe is the next generation of digital textbook positioned to improve teaching and learning experiences. It is a powerful platform that can establish an interactive learning community, engage students to help drive pedagogical goals, customize the text for your course and can be used from one semester to the next with no expiration.