Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University - EdTech Day: How to Avoid “Death by PowerPoint”


Hart 115

Start Time

13-1-2010 11:30 AM

End Time

13-1-2010 12:20 PM


You’ve probably been witness to a live presentation utilizing PowerPoint that may have been ineffective – or simply bored you to tears. Presenters reading text directly off of slides, overuse of bullets, animations, and clip art, poor background and text color choices that strained your eyes – the list goes on and on. Learn how you can avoid “Death by PowerPoint” for your audience by creating more effective PowerPoint presentations for live delivery. We’ll explore the presentation styles of presentation pioneers such as Larry Lessig and Dick Hardt, as well as look at the emerging, challenging presentation style known as Pecha Kucha.


Jan 13th, 11:30 AM Jan 13th, 12:20 PM

How to Avoid “Death by PowerPoint”

Hart 115

You’ve probably been witness to a live presentation utilizing PowerPoint that may have been ineffective – or simply bored you to tears. Presenters reading text directly off of slides, overuse of bullets, animations, and clip art, poor background and text color choices that strained your eyes – the list goes on and on. Learn how you can avoid “Death by PowerPoint” for your audience by creating more effective PowerPoint presentations for live delivery. We’ll explore the presentation styles of presentation pioneers such as Larry Lessig and Dick Hardt, as well as look at the emerging, challenging presentation style known as Pecha Kucha.