"Sexual Violence and Restorative Justice" by Jo-Ann Della Giustina


Sexual Violence and Restorative Justice

Publication Date


Document Type

Book Chapter


Can restorative justice be used to control the threat of future sexual victimization by repairing the harm to the survivor/victim, the community, and the offender instead of the traditional criminal justice system's focus on punishment? Despite the growing use of restorative justice for a variety of crimes, controversy surrounding its use in sexual violence cases remains. The main concerns center on survivor/victim safety, offender accountability, and the effectiveness of its use to minimize future sexual violence. This chapter explores whether restorative justice is appropriate to address sexual violence. A critique of the use of the criminal system for sexual violence cases is followed by a discussion on restorative justice and its possible use with these cases. The controversy surrounding the use of restorative justice in sexual violence cases is then assessed. Finally, several programs that implement restorative justice with sex offenders are discussed.

Original Citation

Della Giustina, J., (2015). Sexual Violence and Restorative Justice. In R. Wright (Ed.), Sex Offender Laws: Failed Policies, New Directions, 2nd ed., (pp. 329-342). New York: Springer Publishing.

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