Faculty scholarship from the Anthropology Department | Anthropology Department | Bridgewater State University


Submissions from 2017


Successes, Challenges, and Future Directions for an Urban Full Service Community Schools Initiative, Jeffrey Alvin Anderson, Ming-E. Chin, Mina Min, and Lara L. Watkins

Surviving as Mi’kmaq and First Nations People: The Legacies of the Shubenacadie Indian Residential School in Nova Scotia, Simone Poliandri

Submissions from 2016


Parent Perceptions of Connectedness in a Full Service Community School Project, Ming-E Chen, Jeffrey Alvin Anderson, and Lara Watkins


Stewards of Their Island: Rastafari Women's Activism for the Forests and Waters in Trinidad and Tobago—Social Movement Perspectives, Diana Fox and Jillian M. Smith

Caches or Offerings? Ceremonial Objects from the First Terrace of the Middleborough Little League Site (19-PL-520), Curtiss Hoffman

Dream Delay, Dream Decay: Dreaming at Sacred Sites, Curtiss Hoffman

Introductory Overview of Archaeology's Shifting Paradigms, Curtiss Hoffman

Submissions from 2015

A Quantitative Analysis of Stone Features at the Buell Hill Site in Killingworth, Connecticut, Curtiss Hoffman


Putting a Price on Zen: The Business of Redefining Religion for Global Consumption, Joshua A. Irizarry

Submissions from 2014

Culture and Consciousness: An Undergraduate Seminar Incorporating Dreamwork, Curtiss Hoffman

Wings over Numenor: Lucid Dreaming in the Writings of J.R.R. Tolkien, Curtiss Hoffman

Submissions from 2013


Research Articles in Dreaming: A Review of the First 20 Years, Curtiss Hoffman


[Review of the book Drawing on Tradition: Manga, Anime, and Religion in Contemporary Japan by Jolyon Baraka Thomas], Joshua A. Irizarry

Pan paniscus Gracile Chimpanzee (Bonobo, Pygmy Chimpanzee), Gay E. Reinartz, Ellen J. Ingmanson, and Hilde Vervaecke

Submissions from 2012


[Review of the book: Sex Panic and the Punitive State by Roger N. Lancaster], Sandra Faiman-Silva

Application of human-based sensory integration therapy for improving the well-being of a captive chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), Ellen J. Ingmanson, T. A. May-Benson, S. Braccini, I. Porton, T. Hunnicutt, and M. L. Bauman

Submissions from 2011


Anthropologists and Two Spirit People: Building Bridges and Sharing Knowledge, Sandra Faiman-Silva


Introductory Overview of Archaeology's and Cultural Anthropology's Shifting Paradigms, Curtiss Hoffman

Social behavior and proximity to group members in a captive chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) identified with sensory integration difficulties, Ellen J. Ingmanson, T. A. May-Benson, T. Hunnicutt, S. Braccini, I. Porton, M. A. Weber, and M. L. Bauman

Submissions from 2010


Review of the book Downtown Ladies: Informal Commercial Importers, A Haitian Anthropologist, and Self-making in Jamaica, Diana Fox

Chimpanzee behavioral anomalies: possible sensory integration difficulties in a captive individual (Pan troglodytes), Ellen J. Ingmanson, T. A. May-Benson, T. Hunnicutt, I. Porton, M. A. Weber, J. R. Pruitt Jr., D. Q. Beversdorf, and M. L. Bauman

Submissions from 2009


Provincetown queer: paradoxes of 'identity, space, and place', Sandra Faiman-Silva

Infant development and the use of gestures in a captive group of white-cheeked gibbons (Nomascus leucogenys), Ellen J. Ingmanson

Submissions from 2008

How Choctaws Invented Civilization and Why Choctaws Will Conquer the World, Sandra Faiman-Silva

Synchronizing behavior: the use of gestural communication in a captive group of white-cheeked gibbons (Hylobates concolor), Ellen J. Ingmanson