
Examining and Predicting the Use of Exercise as a Form of Punishment or Behavior Management: An Application of the Theory of Reasoned Action

Document Type

Grant Proposal

Date Accepted

Summer 2008

Project Description/Abstract

Although the use of physical exercise as punishment or behavior management is widespread and has serious negative physical and psychological consequences, it has remained largely unexamined. The purpose of this project is to systematically examine the intentions, beliefs and behaviors of physical education majors, many of whom intend to coach, teach physical education, or become trainers, regarding the use of exercise as punishment. Many of these students’ own teachers and coaches have used exercise as punishment. The study will use the conceptual framework of the Theory of Reasoned Action, and will test the validity of this model in predicting intentions to use exercise as punishment or behavior management.

The method is survey research; surveys were administered to all PHED classes during the fall semester, 2007. The grant will enable us to code, enter and analyze the data, and write and submit papers to social psychology and/or physical education journals.

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