China not only has the largest population in the world but also the fastest population aging rate. The one-child policy was created in 1979 as a means to control the dramatic growth in China’s population (Hesketh, Lu & Xing, 2005). The first generation of children born into the one-child policy is coming to the age where they will need to consider how they are going to care for their parents. Often these individuals have the challenge of caring for four grandparents, a child as well as themselves and a husband or wife, otherwise known as the 4:2:1 phenomenon (Hasketh et al., 2005). Furthermore, the availability of family members to provide care is expected to decrease due to the rapid growth of China’s aging population, the one-child policy and the fact that the average person’s life expectancy has increased over the past couple of decades (Harbaugh & West, 1993).
Recommended Citation
Carreiro, Stefanie
Gender Differences and Perspectives on Elderly Care in China.
Undergraduate Review, 8, 145-151.
Available at: https://vc.bridgew.edu/undergrad_rev/vol8/iss1/26
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