
Author Information

Keriann Speranza


Rape is a serious crime affecting all colleges and universities, but it is rarely brought to the attention of the media, administrators, faculty, students, and community. Research shows that between 14% and 27.5% of college women have been sexually assaulted (Humphrey & Kahn, 2000). The 2005 Bureau of Justice Statistics Report on violent victimization of college students indicates that between the years 2000 and 2004, 74% of rapes and sexual assaults were committed by someone known to the victim (Gross, Winslett, Roberts, Gohm, 2006). This report also suggested that campus rape is the most underreported violent crime in the United States.

Note on the Author

Kerriann Speranza is a sophmore majoring in criminal justice with a minor in psychology. This piece was completed as a final paper for Dr. Dina Perrone’s Applied Crime Theory course.

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