"Molybdenum Blue Glazes" by Margaret Fiedler

Author Information

Margaret Fiedler


Cobalt is currently the most commonly used blue colorant for ceramic glazes, however due to its toxicity in powder form there is a need for an alternative. Molybdenum, more specifically molybdenum oxide, is one alternative that has shown promise. This research is aimed at the direct incorporation of reduced molybdenum clusters into the glaze matrix. Two compounds have been synthesized that exhibit an intense blue color, Na15[MoVI126MoV28O457H14(H2O)70]0.5-[MoVI124MoV28O427H14(H2O)68]0.5 and Na21[MoVI126MoV28O462H14(H2O)54(H2PO2)7]. These clusters were incorporated directly into the glaze and fired under a variety of conditions. Under oxidizing conditions, a series of whites, clear, and pale blue glazes were observed. Under reducing conditions gray and blue-gray glazes were obtained. Such results indicate the sensitive nature of the two compounds while under the intense oxidizing and reducing kiln atmospheres.

Note on the Author

Maggie Fiedler is currently a senior, graduating in May of 2009 with a major in Chemistry and a minor in Art. She has been interested in glaze chemistry since she took Ceramics II with Preston Saunders and has been perusing this research for two years under the guidance of Dr. Steven Haefner. She has received a summer ATP grant and three semester ATP grants.

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