

In today's world, women are attempting to take control of their reproductive choices. Some have been met with roadblocks that may prohibit or limit access to women's healthcare centers and family planning services. This research explores women’s reproductive health and contraception usage and the impact of cultural influences globally. Cultural adversities may overshadow the benefits of having access to healthcare facilities along with contributing to the circulation of inaccurate information. This may prevent or deter women from accessing healthcare facilities and methods of family planning. Understanding variation in the United States and in other cultures will contribute to the global understanding of women's reproductive healthcare and how different societies view family planning. This is an opportunity to explore the global processes and methods that are implemented cross-culturally that contribute to women's reproductive health and family planning techniques.

Note on the Author

Cora Pereira is a Bridgewater State alumna who graduated in May 2023. Cora majored in General Anthropology, with minors in Global Religious Studies and Art History. She was mentored by Dr. Ellen Ingmanson, Anthropology Professor and Anthropology Department Chair. Cora grew up in Middleborough, Massachusetts and was influenced by the medical professions of her parents who worked in Saint Anne’s Hospital. The influence of her parents' careers, along with her anthropological studies, created a drive for circulating, expanding, and elucidating medical knowledge. Cora Pereira’s plans after Bridgewater State University are to complete Boston University’s Medical Anthropology and Cross-Cultural Practice master’s degree to further explore how medical systems can incorporate knowledge from other cultures to improve healthcare.

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Articles published in The Undergraduate Review are the property of the individual contributors and may not be reprinted, reformatted, repurposed or duplicated, without the contributor’s consent.
